Effective Simple Steps in Writing a Rhetorical Analysis Essay

Diverse types of essays exist in the curricula of almost every school across the world. One such essay entails the rhetorical analysis, where students have to analyze the author’s write-up. It requires learners to delve deep into the writing methods and techniques of the writer in delivering the message. 

Writing a rhetorical analysis piece often proves difficult for most students because of a lack of technical know-how on how to go about it. As such, it’s crucial to consider the following steps in writing a top-grade essay piece on rhetorical analysis.

Writing Steps on Rhetorical Analysis 

If anyone instructed you to come up with a rhetorical analysis piece, you probably will delve straight into writing the piece. However, it’s crucial to consider the strategy of the SOAPStone where you must factor on the speaker, the occasion, audience, purpose, subject, and tone. It can help if you could understand the elements and their implication in answering vital questions when writing your rhetorical analysis piece. 


  • Determine the strategy of persuasion 

All written or spoken communication that aims at convincing the audience has three elements- pathos, ethos, and logos. Pathos aims at appealing to the emotion of the audience to evoke a response. Ethos tries to appeal to ethics to convince the audience of the author's integrity. As such, the author can use it to justify their stance, morality, and reliability. Finally, the logos try to appeal to the logic and try convincing the audience through logic. It’s vital to note that a writer can use more than one persuasion strategy in their work.

  • Actively read several times 

All the answers an individual seeks when trying to analyze a rhetorical piece lies within the piece, and therefore, it’s crucial to read the text exhaustively. It would help if you got your SOAPStone questions ready before going paragraph-wise. You have to dig deep, make notes, and concentrate on the patterns and writing techniques used by the author to effectively analyze.

  • Frame a distinctive thesis statement

Create a clear and distinct thesis statement in your introduction. It should portray your interpretation or stance concerning the text. Further, it can help if it's arguable to subsequent back it in the subsequent paragraphs complete with evidence.

  • Make an outline

You must outline when contemplating the active write-up process. It will allow you to order your arguments in a manner that has a logical flow. An outline can also prevent you from missing out on valuable information. It should contain the introduction, body text, and conclusion. All these should follow a similar outlay as other types of essays.

  • Employ the use of an appropriate style of writing

Try and adhere to the rules that govern grammar as a discipline. Use the correct words to piece together your write-up and maintain an appropriate text tone. Remain objective in your tone, use the third person in your writing, and write in the present tense.

  • Proofread and edit your essay work once you finish writing

You need to take some time and edit your work to ensure it lacks errors and proves original.


Writing a rhetorical analysis piece can challenge students at times, but following these simple steps can ensure your writing process goes on smoothly. Further, you can guarantee yourself a top-quality essay at the end. 

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